Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Koko Pass Away

Today .. KOKO was pass away about 15.00WIB. I don't know how to tell this story, but I feels very sad right now. Two weeks before KOKO leave me, there are something wrong with his attitude. The first thing was, his body size does not grow bigger, spend lot of time for sleep, hard biting, and not active like the other. WET TAILS? I don't think so because I don't see any indication of that disease. How about the food? I give them routine, twice(morning and night) a day and vitamins. Or maybe when I buy KOKO, he is already sick ?? I don't know for sure. I am sorry Koko, I hope you can forgive me ...

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Should I Take A Male Or Female

Basic questions were always been ask, “Which one should I take? Male or Female?”. Either male or female hamsters have advantage and disadvantage. It’s also depends by your purpose, want to breed them or just for f...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sand Bathing

What is the important of sand bathing? Before I adopt these cute rodents, I have no idea at all. Maybe just for fun? Well if you don’t have any, I suggest you should have one. Why...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

HAMSTER Definitely Need Chew Toy

I has biting hamster issue. Koko and Jack has bad temperament and I don't know why. Each time I'm trying get closer to them, they seems don't like me. Well ... I must find another way out to solve this kind a proble...

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