Basic questions were always been ask, “Which one should I take? Male or Female?”. Either male or female hamsters have advantage and disadvantage. It’s also depends by your purpose, want to breed them or just for fun?
Male or female, has its own character. I have 4 campbell dwarf named Koko, Kiki, Jack, and Sparrow where all of them was male’s. So why I am not pick a pair? Because my purpose was just for fun. I am not ready enough to breed them. As you know, rodents has ability to growth and breed fast.
Anyway … Male hamster have characteristic less biting, friendly, sleep a lot, and messing around inside the cage. The opposite with male, female have characteristic biting a lot, grumpy, and moody. Especially when they are pregnant. But the good one is, they are tidy and more active.
And that’s the reason … Why I’m pick male than female
Male. I do males, because they are more friendly, happier, generally make better pets, and can't get pregnant. You don't want to buy a female then bring it home and soon it has babies, and you didn't even know it was pregnant. Then you have nothing to do with them. The mother may be aggressive and eat the babies if you can't separate them in time. If you can't get rid of them, and keep them, then at a certain age they will all need seperate cages, which will be around 10. I garantee a lot of hamster babies die because the owners didn't know how to do it. now if you are looking to breed, I EXTREMELY HIGHLY RECCOMMEND a book or webpage with a specific article on breeding hamsters. Hope you make a good choice!
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